Our products are a result of many years of research. Research is a significant part of our development strategy. We test all the products we are working with and provide the best solutions to our clients this way. Here are some examples of research directions we have been working with.
- Scientists from all over the world are using our products to study and learn more about Chitosan and oligosaccharides.
- Teta vannrensing AS together with Norwegian Chitosan AS tested KitoFlokk™ Chitosan on several big Norwegian water plants. Several-phase research was started in the laboratory and continued with full-scale trials, where Chitosan was tested to improve turbidity, color and some other water parameters. Thereby Chitosan was applied permanently at some of the plants, which now report improved process stability and realibility, less sludge production and problems with its utilization.
- Research conducted together with a norwegian institution, studied Chitosan’s ability to remove water-borne pathogens in water. The study focused on a broad spectrum of pathogens; bacterias, viruses and parasites, and proved that chitosan is an important water treatment agent.
- Chitosan is not Chitosan: Norwegian Chitosan has done some studies on Chitosan from different suppliers with presumably identical quality. We found them not to be the same. Therefore: If you are dependent on stability in Chitosan quality, you should use our KitoFlokk™ Chitosan. We can guarantee stable deliveries and the same product quality from the same source every time.